Majacraft Suzie Standard Wheel – Pre-order only
Majacraft Suzie Standard Wheel – Pre-order only
Canadian shipping only. CUSTOM ORDER PRODUCT, please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery from New Zealand. The "available quantity" exists so that our cart will accept orders, and does not reflect our actual onhand inventory. We generally do not have this wheel in stock. Price includes the wheel, four standard plastic bobbins, delta flyer with single hook. The Suzie is Majacraft's original double-treadle spinning wheel. It spins beautifully and is crafted in attractive New Zealand Rimu. All Majacraft spinning accessories fit on the Suzie making it very versatile. Some of the features of the Suzie are: - double heel-and-toe treadling - quick change flyer - frictionless sealed bearings, so no oiling required - sliding flyer hook - dependable scotch tension for smooth and easy spinning - New Zealand Rimu hardwood construction - folds up for transport - Five main ratios available on whorl - delta flyer means no threading hook is required - suits both left and right handed spinners - compatible bobbins and flyers with Majacraft wheels & accessories Please click this link for the Majacraft wheel ratios DROP SHIPPING: for Canadian destinations not serviced by Canada Post Expedited GROUND shipping, it may be possible for us to have the wheel shipped from New Zealand at the price listed here. Please inquire. PRODUCT of NEW ZEALAND
$1,520.00 Add to cart
Majacraft Tension Spring – Little Gem
Majacraft Tension Spring – Little Gem
Price per spring. Tension/brake spring... that little spring that the green nylon tension cord attaches to. Fits ONLY on the Little Gem.


$10.50 Add to cart
Majacraft Tension Spring – Standard/Universal
Majacraft Tension Spring – Standard/Universal
Price per spring. Tension/brake spring... that little spring that the green nylon tension cord attaches to. The new Universal spring fits all Majacraft wheels including the Little Gem. PRODUCT of NEW ZEALAND
$15.00 Read more
Majacraft Tension String – 1m
Majacraft Tension String – 1m
NEW! LOWER PRICE. Price per 1m (39 inces) length. Green nylon tension cord, brake cord, tension string, brake string. Seems to go by a number of names! Fits all the various Majacraft wheels. PRODUCT of NEW ZEALAND
$3.00 Add to cart
Majacraft Lazy Kate @ The Fibre Garden
Majacraft Tensioned Lazy Kate – Overdrive bobbin
Canadian shipping only. A CUSTOM ORDER product. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. The "available quantity" exists so that our cart will accept orders, and does not reflect our actual onhand inventory.

DROP SHIPPING INCLUDED: this product can be sent anywhere in Canada at the price noted above because it will ship directly to you from New Zealand. Pickup orders at our shop are the same price.

The Overdrive tensioned Lazy Kate is the same size as the Unviersal lazy kate. However, it holds two of the huge Overdrive bobbins. Another unique feature of the Overdrive Lazy Kate is the use of sliding flyer hooks as yarn guides, this lets you move the guides in the optimum position for easy drawing of the yarn during plying.

PLEASE NOTE: the Standard and Jumbo and other bobbins will not fit this Lazy Kate, it is designed specifically for the Overdrive bobbins.


$208.00 Add to cart
Majacraft Turkish Spindle Set
Majacraft Turkish Spindle Set
Canadian shipping only. Recently redesigned, Majacraft's new Turkish spindle set features four different sets of cross arms so you can select the best weight for the type of yarn you wish to spin. Made from Bamboo plywood with a single shaft measuring 30.5 cm (12 inches) with a small knob at the top end rather than a hook. The four sets of cross arms give an approximate total weight of 10, 15, 20 or 30g (.3, .5, .7 or 1 oz) We love the flexibility this set offers the spinner, letting you make any thickness of yarn you desire. Comes with a cute little fabric bag with a drawstring. Everybody will think you have a plastic recorder in your handbag -- remember those? Instead of playing "Hot Cross Buns" you can impress them with your spinning instead. PRODUCT of NEW ZEALAND
$81.00 Read more
Sliding Hook Flyer DD Bobbin – Lacquered
Sliding Hook Flyer DD Bobbin – Lacquered
Canadian Shipping only. A CUSTOM ORDER PRODUCT: allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery. The "available quantity" exists so that our cart will accept orders, and does not reflect our actual onhand inventory.

Sliding Hook Flyer Bobbin, double drive, 90mm. Lacquered wood.


$39.75 Add to cart
Sliding Hook Flyer DD Bobbin – Natural
Sliding Hook Flyer DD Bobbin – Natural
Canadian Shipping only. Sliding Hook Flyer Bobbin, double drive, 90mm. Natural wood. PRODUCT of NEW ZEALAND
$28.00 Add to cart
Tahkli Spindle, Nickle/Brass
Tahkli Spindle, Nickle/Brass
A style of support spindle from India, a Tahkli is mainly used for spinning cotton at very fast speeds. These well-balanced gadgets spin like the dickens and can be supported in a bowl, on a table top or any other smooth, flat surface.

Stainless steel shaft and brass whorl are relatively rust resistant. Other features and specs:
- small and lightweight: 18cm length (7 inches), 2cm-wide brass whorl (.79") and weight of around 18g (.63 oz)
- shaft features a flat, hammered end with a hook, which helps to catch the fibres during spinning. The whorl end comes to a sharp point for minimal friction and fast spin. Don't poke your eye out!
- ideal for spinning cotton, but also useful for other fine fibres


$18.50 Read more