Lendrum Double Treadle Spinning Wheel – Complete – DISCONTINUED
Gord Lendrum has retired from building new wheels, as of late 2023. Until such time as he sells his company, they are not currently available.
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Lendrum’s popular Double Treadle Wheel in the COMPLETE/Fully Loaded version. The wheel folds almost flat, for easy transport. Relatively light, around 14 pounds. Easy-to-use Scotch Tension setup. Made from lacquered maple.
The double-treadle action provides for smooth spinning and comfortable posture. A wide range of ratios will allow you to spin most kinds of fibres easily, in a full range of yarn weights. The three speeds available on the Regular Flyer provide ratios of 6:1, 8:1, 10:1
This wheel includes:
– Tensioned Lazy Kate
– Four Regular bobbins
– Threading Hook
– Plying Head with Plying Bobbin and Plying Drive Band. A larger “jumbo” setup for plying two bobbins of singles, or for spinning thicker yarns and art yarns. Ratios are 5:1, 7:1, 9:1
– Fast Flyer, especially great for shorter fibres or for spinning lace-weight yarns. Ratios are 12:1, 15:1, 17:1. This flyer is intended to be used with the Regular Bobbins. Optional High-speed fat-core bobbins are available as an accessory, if you wish to order them separately.
This is absolutely the best value wheel we offer, considering all the additional things that come with it, and the capabilities of spinning practially anything!
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