Lincoln (Top)
Lincoln (Top)
Classification: LONGWOOL Combed top, very clean. This breed features smooth and long, lustrous fibre, our supply being an ivory-cream shade. Though often used to add strength in blends, Lincoln makes exceptionally beautiful lace-weight yarns that highlight the intricate stitchwork. Thicker spins are generally used for rugged outerwear. Micron count for Lincoln is in the 34 to 41 range, with a staple length from 8 to 12 inches or more. Felting properties are very good.
$5.75$44.38 Select options
Manx Loaghtan
Manx Loaghtan
Classification: PRIMITIVE BREED Lovely clean top with very little to no veg. This breed is native to the Isle of Man but is also raised in the UK. It was brought back from the brink of extinction and is considered a rare breed. The name is said to translate basically to "mouse brown" and that's exactly the colour of this top, sprinkled throughout with soft grey. Said to be excellent for sweaters and socks, and this feels plenty soft for either. Micron count for this top is 28 with a staple length of about 3 inches. According to a couple of our customers, this has average wet-felting properties. One reports that it did not work well for Nuno felting. PRODUCT of UNITED KINGDOM
$5.50$42.45 Select options
Masham – White (Top)
Masham – White (Top)
Classification: LONGWOOL Combed top with just a small amount of veg. Masham varies widely in quality, but our supply is exceptionally soft, in a lustrous ivory-cream colour. Though usually recommended for outerwear, this should be soft enough for midrange garments as well. Micron count for Masham is in the 29 to 34 range, with a staple length from 6 to 14 inches. Felting properties are average.
$5.00$38.59 Select options
Merino – Light 19mic (Sliver)
Merino – Light 19mic (Sliver)
Classification: FINEWOOL Carded sliver/roving with very little veg. A lovely ash-grey, lightly streaked with charcoal. This will create a nice heathered yarn and will be extra-fun to dye. At 19 microns, it's nice and soft for against-the-skin wear. Merino is ever-popular with spinners and certainly being used like crazy by felters. This supply has a staple length around 4 inches, which is fairly long for Merino. Felting properties are excellent. PRODUCT of NEW ZEALAND
$7.50$57.89 Select options
Merino – Medium 19mic (Sliver)
Merino – Medium 19mic (Sliver)
Classification: FINEWOOL Carded sliver/roving with a small amount of veg. Medium-brown in tone with a generous sprinkling of ash-grey, creating a lovely heathered yarn. At 19 microns, this is nice and soft for against-the-skin wear. Merino is ever-popular with spinners and certainly being used like crazy by felters. Merino has a staple length from 2.5 to 4 inches. Felting properties are excellent. PRODUCT of NEW ZEALAND
$7.50$57.89 Select options
Merino – Superfine White 16-mic (Top)
Merino – Superfine White 16-mic (Top)
Classification: FINE WOOL This is very special Superfine 16-micron Merino in a natural creamy-white colour. Very clean combed top. Excellent for spinning or felting by itself, but also perfect for blending with soft luxury fibres such as Angora, Cashmere, Yak or Qiviut. Felting properties are excellent. Staple length is in the 2.5 to 3 inch range. PRODUCT of ITALY
$8.50$34.73 Select options
Merino – Superwash White 22mic (Top)
Merino – Superwash White 22mic (Top)
SUPERWASH Merino. Classification: FINE WOOL The most common fibre offered as Superwash, this is lovely combed Merino top in an ivory-white colour. Micron count is 22, which is plenty soft for against the skin wear and a multitude of other uses. Perfect for knitting items that require easy laundering. Wool is conditioned through an enzyme process that strips off the outer scales, which prevents felting. This also makes for a different effect during the dyeing process, because Superwash fibre sucks up the dye quickly. Merino rates high for softness. Staple length is generally 2.5 to 4 inches. The Superwash treatment makes for a slippery feel during spinning when compared to untreated Merino, so it's not necessarily a good choice for beginners. NOTE: Superwash fibre is NOT GOOD FOR FELTING. PRODUCT of NEW ZEALAND
$5.50$42.45 Select options
Merino – White 19.5 mic (Top)
Merino – White 19.5 mic (Top)
Classification: FINE WOOL Creamy-white natural combed top, this is always extremely clean and free of vegetation. Very popular with our spinning and felting customers. Merino rates high for softness, and this 19.5 micron fibre is excellent for against-the-skin wear and a multitude of other uses. Felting properties are excellent. Staple length is in the 2.5 to 4 inch range. NEW ZEALAND WOOL, processed in CHINA
$5.50$42.45 Select options
Merino – White 22 mic (Top)
Merino – White 22 mic (Top)
Classification: FINE WOOL Creamy-white natural combed top, this is always extremely clean and free of vegetation. Very popular with our spinning and felting customers. Merino rates high for softness, and this 22 micron fibre is excellent for against-the-skin wear and a multitude of other uses. Felting properties are excellent. Staple length is in the 2.5 to 4 inch range. NOTE: our labels may indicate this as UNTREATED, which simply means it is not Superwash Merino. NEW ZEALAND WOOL, processed in CHINA
$5.00$38.59 Select options
Milk Protein (Top)
Milk Protein (Top)
100% Milk Protein Fibre. Also known as Latte. Extremely clean combed top in natural ivory-cream. Staple length is about 4 inches. One of the "new" man-made fibres, with a manufacturing process very similar to soy fibre. Said to be even softer than soy, and with good lustre. We can't find much for references to describe the drape in finished garments but we are guessing it's probably excellent. Considered a protein fibre, so acid dyes will work very nicely. Probably so will natural dyes with the usual protein-fibre premordanting methods. Somebody told us that if you take the dyebath temperatures too close to boiling, this fibre will dissolve. Urban myth? You tell us!
$7.00$14.00 Select options
Norwegian – Black (Top)
Norwegian – Black (Top)
Classification: DUAL-COATED Nice and clean combed top. Norwegian sheep come in a range of tones, this top being a very dark brown with traces of grey hairs combed through. Like Icelandic, this is best used for rugged outerwear. Micron count is hard to determine on double-coated blends. The staple length for this top is 4 to 6 inches. We can't find information on the felting properties, but since Icelandic felts so well there may be possibilities with Norwegian.
$4.00$30.87 Select options
Norwegian – White (Top)
Norwegian – White (Top)
Classification: DUAL-COATED Nice and clean combed top. Norwegian sheep come in a range of tones, this top being a natural off-white. Like Icelandic, this is best used for rugged outerwear. Micron count is hard to determine on double-coated blends. The staple length for this top is 4 to 5 inches. Wet felting qualities are excellent, and also good for needle felting. PRODUCT of GREAT BRITAIN
$4.00$30.87 Select options
Polwarth – White (Top)
Polwarth – White (Top)
Classification: FINEWOOL Nice and clean combed top in bright close-to-white. It almost seems like Polwarth is the not-so-well-known alternative to Merino. It features so many of the same qualities, and is splendid for everything from next-to-skin clothing and beyond. The crimp is excellent, elasticity good and staple surprisingly long. Micron count of our top is 21 to 24, with a staple length of 4 to 5 inches. Felting properties are high. PRODUCT of NEW ZEALAND
$7.00$54.03 Select options
Rambouillet (Rustic Roving)
Rambouillet (Rustic Roving)
Classification: FINEWOOL Thick and chunky rustic roving with a moderate amount of vegetation in our current supply. Lovely off-white in colour. In the Merino family, Rambouillet developed as an offshoot in Northern France in the late 1700s and was soon brought to North America where more changes made this a distinctive breed. The fibre is similar to Merino but with less lustre and more loft. Staple is in the 2 to 4 inch range and especially well-suited to woolen-style spinning. Plenty soft for outer, midrange and against-the-skin wear, with a micron count in the 18 to 24 range. Wet felting properties are excellent. A good core wool for needle-felting. PRODUCT of CANADA
$5.00$38.59 Select options
Ramie @ The Fibre Garden
Ramie (Top)
100% Ramie. Very clean combed top, in pencil-roving width. Staple length is 7 to 8 inches. Ramie comes from the stem (bast) fibre of a tropical plant. Typically it is bleached to an almost pure white. Our supply is very fine and soft. Ramie can be spun by itself or used in blends. It's well-suited for lighter summer wear, from against-the-skin to outerwear. An intriguing fibre for those that can't wear wool. < Since this is a plant or cellulose fibre dyers must use fibre reactive dyes. Natural dyers can resort to techniques used on cotton, such as alum-tannin premordanting, or Aluminum acetate. We don't know how Ramie responds in an indigo vat. That being said, when blended with protein fibres, acid dyes will leave the ramie alone during dyeing, which makes for some wonderful streaky or heathered effects, depending on how well the fibres are blended.
$7.00$54.03 Select options
Romney – Light Grey (Roving)
Romney – Light Grey (Roving)
Classification: LONGWOOL Clean, carded and somewhat chunky roving with very little vegetation. Light grey in colour, marled with softer ash-grey and dark-grey throughout, and just a hint of brown. Romney is a longwool with a good crimp and relatively short staple and slight sheen. It spins well either woolen or semi-worsted styles. Suitable for midrange to outerwear. Being roving this has excellent loft which many needle felters love. Micron count on this fibre is around 36 (but it feels softer) with a staple length of 4 to 5 inches. Felting properties are very good. PRODUCT of NEW ZEALAND
$5.00$38.59 Select options
Romney – Medium Grey (Roving)
Romney – Medium Grey (Roving)
Classification: LONGWOOL Clean, carded and somewhat chunky roving with very little vegetation. Medium grey-brown in tone, liberally sprinkled throughout with ash grey. Romney is a longwool with a good crimp and relatively short staple and slight sheen. It spins well either woolen or semi-worsted styles. Suitable for midrange to outerwear. Being roving this has excellent loft which many needle felters love. Micron count on this fibre is around 36 (but it feels softer) with a staple length of 4 to 5 inches. Felting properties are very good. PRODUCT of NEW ZEALAND
$5.00$38.59 Select options
Romney – White (Roving)
Romney – White (Roving)
Classification: LONGWOOL Thick and chunky carded roving, with very little vegetation. Creamy-white in colour. Romney is a longwool with a good crimp and relatively short staple and slight sheen. It spins well either woolen or worsted style. Suitable for midrange to outerwear, this particular roving being softer than average. Micron count on Romney ranges from 32 to 39 with a staple length in the 5 to 8 inch range. Felting properties are very good. PRODUCT of NEW ZEAlAND
$5.00$38.59 Select options