fine wool
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Merino – Light 19mic (Sliver)
Classification: FINEWOOL
Carded sliver/roving with very little veg. A lovely ash-grey, lightly streaked with charcoal. This will create a nice heathered yarn and will be extra-fun to dye. At 19 microns, it's nice and soft for against-the-skin wear. Merino is ever-popular with spinners and certainly being used like crazy by felters.
This supply has a staple length around 4 inches, which is fairly long for Merino. Felting properties are excellent.

Merino – Medium 19mic (Sliver)
Classification: FINEWOOL
Carded sliver/roving with a small amount of veg. Medium-brown in tone with a generous sprinkling of ash-grey, creating a lovely heathered yarn. At 19 microns, this is nice and soft for against-the-skin wear. Merino is ever-popular with spinners and certainly being used like crazy by felters.
Merino has a staple length from 2.5 to 4 inches. Felting properties are excellent.

Merino – Superwash White 22mic (Top)
SUPERWASH Merino. Classification: FINE WOOL
The most common fibre offered as Superwash, this is lovely combed Merino top in an ivory-white colour. Micron count is 22, which is plenty soft for against the skin wear and a multitude of other uses. Perfect for knitting items that require easy laundering. Wool is conditioned through an enzyme process that strips off the outer scales, which prevents felting. This also makes for a different effect during the dyeing process, because Superwash fibre sucks up the dye quickly.
Merino rates high for softness. Staple length is generally 2.5 to 4 inches. The Superwash treatment makes for a slippery feel during spinning when compared to untreated Merino, so it's not necessarily a good choice for beginners.
NOTE: Superwash fibre is NOT GOOD FOR FELTING.

Polwarth – White (Top)
Classification: FINEWOOL
Nice and clean combed top in bright close-to-white. It almost seems like Polwarth is the not-so-well-known alternative to Merino. It features so many of the same qualities, and is splendid for everything from next-to-skin clothing and beyond. The crimp is excellent, elasticity good and staple surprisingly long.
Micron count of our top is 21 to 24, with a staple length of 4 to 5 inches. Felting properties are high.

Rambouillet (Rustic Roving)
Classification: FINEWOOL
Thick and chunky rustic roving with a moderate amount of vegetation in our current supply.
Lovely off-white in colour. In the Merino family, Rambouillet developed as an offshoot in Northern France in the late 1700s and was soon brought to North America where more changes made this a distinctive breed.
The fibre is similar to Merino but with less lustre and more loft. Staple is in the 2 to 4 inch range and especially well-suited to woolen-style spinning. Plenty soft for outer, midrange and against-the-skin wear, with a micron count in the 18 to 24 range. Wet felting properties are excellent. A good core wool for needle-felting.

Targhee (Rustic Roving)
Classification: FINEWOOL
Thick and chunky Rustic Roving, with a moderate amount of vegetation debris. The colour is a bright ivory-white. Targhee is a very bouncy fibre that can be spun woolen or worsted. The staple is longer than Merino and therefore it's easier to spin. This breed is well-suited to next-to-skin garments, outerwear or anything else.
Micron count is in the range of 21 to 25, with a staple length around 3 to 5 inches. Wet-felting properties are excellent. Good as a core wool for needle-felting