Flyers & Flyer Kits
Showing all 7 results
Whether you want to spin ultra-fine lace weight yarns, more “normal” yarns or crazy and wild yarns, Majacraft provides you with plenty of options to spin exactly what you want. And, with only one or two exceptions, these flyers and kits work on ALL the Majacraft wheels. Should you decide to upgrade to a different wheel at some point, just keep your add-ons and they will fit.
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Majacraft Flyer – Aura Hybrid
Feb/2012 - Majacraft has just announced they are making the new Aura wheel flyer available. This strange-looking beast will fit all the wheel models, and uses the wooden jumbo bobbins that most of us have with the plying kit. It does NOT matter if your jumbo bobbins are the new ones with the two holes. That's important for the Aura wheel but the flyer works perfectly fine with the older version of jumbo bobbins.
In Majacraft's words: "The flyer is all new and builds on the advances Majacraft has made in the past. It shares the aerodynamic shape of our other flyers for efficient and easy spinning. Most importantly it has a new dual function orifice. Fine yarns can be held still in the delta part of the orifice. This also has the function of holding coil yarns very still so you can observe your work. You can bypass the delta and use the large halo ring for spinning huge."
If you splurge and get this flyer, you're going to need a couple of jumbo bobbins if you plan to ply.
NOTE: LITTLE GEM WHEELS require the special Little Gem Mini Tension Knob with any of Majacraft's wide flyers, including the Aura, Plying or Wild flyers. That's because the standard tension knob sticks out too far and gets in the way of the wider flyer arms. It's listed here below the various flyers and flyer kits. We usually keep it in stock.

Majacraft Flyer – Standard E-flyer R120-C06

Majacraft Kit – Lace

Majacraft Kit – Plying with Wooden Bobbin

Majacraft Kit – Stylus 2 bobbin
The Stylus Kit includes the stylus (long pokey metal thing that Sleeping Beauty pricked her finger on) and two special wooden baby stylus bobbins. This kit is for high-speed spinning, particularly for those exploring the world of cotton spinning.
Majacraft says: "The major benefit of a Stylus is that it allows you to put a lot of twist into a yarn so it's particularly suited to lace-weight yarns. The outcome of this huge amount of twist means that it is possible to spin a lot of yarn much more quickly than with a traditional flyer. The stylus will work perfectly well immediately on your wheel but to really take advantage of the features, we recommend using a fast whorl or alternatively a high speed head."

Majacraft Kit – Wild Flyer
The Wild Flyer Kit includes Majacraft's innovative Wild Flyer and a Jumbo wooden bobbin. Bulky novelty yarns tend to fill up the standard bobbins very quickly, so this kit lets you spin longer yarns. The Wild Flyer with its very large ceramic orifices lets almost any diameter of yarn and crazy add-ins slide right through.
NOTE: LITTLE GEM WHEELS require the special Little Gem Mini Tension Knob with any of Majacraft's wide flyers, including the Aura, Plying or Wild flyers. That's because the standard tension knob sticks out too far and gets in the way of the wider flyer arms. It's listed here below the various flyers and flyer kits. We usually keep it in stock.

Majacraft Little Gem Mini Tension Knob
Little Gem wheels require this special mini tension knob when using any of the the flyers that hold jumbo bobbins, because otherwise the standard tension knob gets in the way of the wide flyer arms. Works with the Aura flyer, Plying flyer and Wild flyer kits.
Includes a metal mini tension knob, spring and green tension string.