The Fibre Garden : Louet Spinning Wheels
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Louet wheels have been carefully engineered to be easy-to-use, durable, low-maintenance and practical. The S10, which was developed in the 1970s, has been such a success that it is a classic among modern spinning wheels.
The first generation Louet spinning wheels, like the S10 and S17, all have a single belt bobbin drive with an adjustable flyer brake to regulate tension. This results in spinning wheels that are very easy to learn how to spin on, and the wheels are very suitable to spin thicker yarns. The bobbins have a sheave with three settings that can be used to obtain three spinning speeds or ratios. By using different types of bobbins and flyers, Louet spinning wheels can be used to produce every kind of yarn, from coarse wool to fine silks.
The new generation of Louet spinning wheels, Victoria and Julia, have Scotch tension: single belt, flyer drive with an adjustable bobbin brake to regulate the tension on the yarn that you are spinning. The standard ratios are higher than those of the first generation, which makes it easier to spin very fine yarns. When using the high-speed set the ratio increases even further.
Please note that the Louet Julia wheel is now discontinued but parts and some accessories are still available.
Almost all wheels from the Dealers we carry require some assembly, in order to reduce shipping costs. Clear instructions are provided and in most cases it should take no more than an hour or two, using either tools provided and/or common household screwdrivers and such. It’s WAY easier than Ikea!