Lendrum provides three different sizes of bobbins, Regular, Plying and High-speed. These fit all the Single and Double-treadle wheels.


Lendrum Bobbin – High Speed
Lendrum Bobbin – High Speed
A smaller fatcore bobbin, for use with the Lendrum Fast Flyer or Very Fast Flyer setup. An ideal size for spinning lace-weight yarns. The fat core helps to even out the spinning tension from start to finish. PRODUCT of CANADA
$33.00 Add to cart
Lendrum Bobbin – Plying
Lendrum Bobbin – Plying
A larger bobbin for use with the Lendrum Plying Flyer. This should easily hold two full bobbins of singles when plied together. Also useful for spinning bulkier singles or for various art yarn techniques. This bobbin WILL NOT FIT on the regular flyer. PRODUCT of CANADA
$40.00 Add to cart
Lendrum Bobbin – Regular
Lendrum Bobbin – Regular
The regular bobbin that comes with all Lendrum Spinning Wheels, single and double treadle. PRODUCT of CANADA
$25.00 Add to cart