Interest in all types of felting seems to be absolutely exploding. It’s attracting the attention of a whole new group and generation of crafters that often don’t do any of the traditional forms of needlework. Felting offers a whole new world for creating unique and treasured garments, not to mention decorative or functional objects for the home. Many felters are discovering our fibres here at the shop, and we have begun to carry gadgets, tools and books to help them with their craft.

– photo and felted tea-cozy by Chris Liszak, modelled by John right here at the shop. Thanks Chris!

Ashford Book of Needle Felting, The
Ashford Book of Needle Felting, The
The Ashford Book of Needle Felting - Revised Edition

Our best-selling needle felting book, over the years.
"Explore the unlimited potential of needle felting with fibre artist Barbara Allen. Step-by-step instructions and full-colour photographs will help you create your own adorable folk and animals, beautiful flowers and scenes, jewellery and embellishments all in flat or sculpted felt. As a popular teacher and author Barbara will give you confidence to create your own unique and beautiful felted works of art. The book covers materials, equipment, techniques and provides all the pattern templates."

Author: Barbara Allen. Ashford Handicrafts Ltd. Softcover, 120 pages. Colour photos.

$34.00 Add to cart