Showing 487–492 of 492 results

Welsh – Dark Brown (Top)
Classification: DOWN-TYPE WOOL
Combed top with a very minor amount of veg. The colour is deep brown-black, liberally sprinkled with ash-grey hairs. This is Welsh Mountain, a lofty fibre that makes terrific tweed fabrics, blankets and rugged outerwear.
Micron count is in the range of 32 to 40, with a staple length from 2 to 6 inches. We can't locate any information in regards to felting properties.

Welsh – White (Top)
Classification: DOWN-TYPE WOOL
Combed top with a very minor amount of veg. The colour is ivory-white, liberally sprinkled with pure-white hairs and the odd light-brown as well. This is Welsh Mountain, a lofty fibre that makes terrific tweed fabrics, blankets and rugged outerwear.
Micron count is in the range of 32 to 40, with a staple length from 2 to 6 inches. We can't locate any information in regards to felting properties.

Wool 60/Flax 40 (Top)
60% Wool / 40% Flax
Very clean combed top in an interesting heathered blend of ash-grey, soft tan and cream. Staple length is around 5 to 6 inches. This blend is softer than you might imagine, with what is obviously a Finewool of some type and a good grade of flax. It seems well-prepared and should be easy to spin. We wonder if it might just work for lace weight yarn. Feels plenty soft enough for midrange to outerwear garments.
This could be dyed with acid dyes for a streaky effect. Might it work for felting??

Wool Nepps – Paint Box
These are fun little "bits" of wool, used by felters as an embellishment and used by spinners for blending to create tweedy yarns.
Nepps are tiny little round balls of wool, about 2 to 3mm (1/8 inch) or so in diameter.
Assorted colours.

Wool Nepps – White
These are fun little "bits" of wool, used by felters as an embellishment and used by spinners for blending to create tweedy yarns.
Nepps are tiny little round balls of wool, about 2 to 3mm (1/8 inch) or so in diameter.
Natural undyed white.

Wool Slubs – Paint Box
These are fun little "bits" of wool, used by felters as an embellishment and used by spinners for blending to create tweedy yarns.
Slubs are kind of like the cheese curds of wool, mainly sort of skinny sausage or torpedo-shaped pieces around 1 to 2cm (1/2 to 1 inch) in length.
Assorted colours.